Summer has been... well... summery?

Busy with lots of activities, especially since DH recovered from his knee replacement.  As previously posted, we bought the motorhome and took a couple of two-night local excursions to test her out and figure out the set-up and take-down routines,  Everything went well, and with a couple of improvements/repairs (getting the roof leak fixed and SIX new tires), we were ready to hit the road!

Outing #1, Split Rock Park in Garretson, SD.

Always pack yummy food for "camping".

The dogs did ok, but Chino's coat got really messy...

So, in light of Chino's coat being a real pain to care for and more camp outings coming up... I had him shaved down!

His Gorgeousness in full coat.

Not terribly attractive, but extremely functional.
The kids say he looks "broken" when he lays like this!

Then there were plenty of days to do things at home...  Gardening, sewing, and we had DGD for almost 2 weeks between her summer program and the start of her school.

A VERY good onion harvest!

Playground time with DGD

Trying a new pattern with fabric from my stash.
It will be made up in the brown linen posted last time...
But 3" longer...

And, in the interest of finishing up old projects and decluttering my sewing room,
this top was finished.  The neck is MUCH too low to wear alone, but I think it will work nicely as a layering item.  Also, not a good color.  I need something darker underneath.

Then, we had the boys for a few days between the end of THEIR summer camp and the beginning of school. They learned to climb the tree in our front lawn.

Going UP!

Hanging around...

Daily lunch choice was peanut butter and jelly, chips and
carrots that they dug up from the garden.
Purple was the favorite.

And then there was school, and back to the routine....

When we had shared with friends that we had gotten the motorhome, they invited us to camp with their group for the weekend just about 25 miles from home, so another easy trial run, and fun with friends.

We had a lovely site at Lake Vermillion, SD

We figured out the outdoor TV

And the bedroom TV...

Afternoons got hot, so naptime was indoors in the A/C.
The dogs sleep on the dinette bed.
We eat outdoors....

And wonderful time with new friends
Breakfast prepared on a grill, over the fire by Bill.
We had a nice time!

Each trip we learned more, discovered other things we needed to pack, and figured out how to work more stuff.

Back home, I was looking for things that I could use in the camper, and generally decluttering as I went. And GUESS WHAT I found!  The missing pieces to the dresser set that I had never found since I moved.  It was in a shoe box, in a drawer of my dresser.  I had never looked in that shoe box!!!

The German porcelain dresser set that my mother-in -law had given me.

And my mother's diamond and wedding ring
was in one of the little bowls. ..
and it fits my summer-swollen hand.

And this catches us up to early September and our big trip, which I will share in a post of it's own.


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