

 Summer has been... well... summery? Busy with lots of activities, especially since DH recovered from his knee replacement.  As previously posted, we bought the motorhome and took a couple of two-night local excursions to test her out and figure out the set-up and take-down routines,  Everything went well, and with a couple of improvements/repairs (getting the roof leak fixed and SIX new tires), we were ready to hit the road! Outing #1, Split Rock Park in Garretson, SD. Always pack yummy food for "camping". The dogs did ok, but Chino's coat got really messy... So, in light of Chino's coat being a real pain to care for and more camp outings coming up... I had him shaved down! His Gorgeousness in full coat. Not terribly attractive, but extremely functional. The kids say he looks "broken" when he lays like this! Then there were plenty of days to do things at home...  Gardening, sewing, and we had DGD for almost 2 weeks between her summer program and the start o


 Well, THIS will be a summer to remember! We did have a relatively long spring, with temperatures fluctuating from high to low, but mostly cooler than usual.  June through mid-July has been nice and rather wet, but now things are drying out and warming up to the usual.  My health is finally improving.   The body aches and fatigue WERE caused by the cholesterol medicine, and since I have stopped taking it, things have gotten progressively better.  I have felt a real improvement especially in the past couple of weeks and feel like my old self again! I might go back on something else or a lower dosage, but that remains to be decided....  The garden is going well.  I have harvested peas and now potatoes.  Onions are ready, the garlic is done and out.  Green beans are coming on strong and so are the broccoli and cabbage, and even a couple of cauliflower.  The fridge is full and I have green beans in the freezer.... at least I did! I went out to the upright freezer in the garage last night a

Spring 2024

 Well, we finally have what could be considered a wet spring!  There were a few occasional warm days  (even up to 80* in March), but then March went out like a lion with wind and showers and cooler weather and it has stayed that way all through April.  Our sump pump has been running steadily and our back yard was beginning to get flooded - but that was from the neighbor's because we switched our exhaust to the front/street. Here are some photos from April: April 1 - no foolin'! And then came sun and WIND! Little Miss likes to lead Mr. FancyPants around, and he just goes along! We're cleaning up the front border as things start to pop up! And divided a clump of seeded garlic to see if it will grow into bulbs. Family project to pick rocks.... And Little Miss with her best buddy - on a warmer day (but it wasn't really THAT warm). Planting peas in the garden with my two garden helpers! Just how big IS Mr. FancyPants? Most of these are outdoor activities, but not every day w

Winter is almost over???

 I can't believe that my last post was back in November? Well, Chino has settled in well here and is a lovely companion.  He truly loves people and is so easy to have around - as long as I don't mind getting a bit more exercise.  Settling in, he did quite a coat drop and I have continued the habit formed of vacuuming every day.  Now it isn't so much for hair as for all the bits and grunge that he brings in with him from the lawn! He loves the kids He always wants to be with me, even in the sewing room. Walks are the best. Lounging out the the lawn, here amidst the drain hoses that the kids drug all around... He needs to learn NOT to play with Mom's yarn.... He made a real mess of this skein... Cuddling on the sofa with Dad and Archie. He is very interested when animals come on TV. Jim wishes he was more interested in watching tennis... This was one of the coldest snow days. He did not like wearing his snow/rain suit. This was when the snow was deepest and the temps cold