
Showing posts from January, 2014

January 2014

Where have I been for the past several months????  Around; here, there, and everywhere...  Summer was busy with dog shows and some gardening and all the usual activities of fine weather.  Elvis finished his Rally Excellent title in June, with a perfect score of 100 points at his final trial!   If I look shell-shocked in this picture, it is because I was! Woodstock, IL  June 2013 The next weekend, Buckaroo finished his Rally Advanced title, which met the criteria for the AHCA Versatility Award. DC Utchati Buckaroo Bansai, RA Not bad for a 10 year-old dog! In July we lost Nina.  She was 15 1/2 and had suffered from Cushing's Disease for over 2 years.  We still miss her, and will for a long time.  She was a grand dog! Nina, 4 months Nina, 6 years Nina, 15 years Later in the summer, I went down to spend time with my dad several times.  It was good to spend quality time with him, even if he was in the hospital one of those visits...  He needs to h