
Showing posts from August, 2012

Project almost done!

Okay, as per my last post, I have been busy. I have painted my kitchen and family room, and have all the furniture replaced and most of the decorating done.  Not quite ready for it's pictures yet, but here is a sneak peek: Breakfast area This area of the kitchen, the breakfast area, was all wallpapered.  Now the wallpaper is gone, the walls were scrubbed clean of wallpaper paste, and the walls and ceiling painted.  I have just finished installing the new Roman shade which replaces the hand-me-down red checked curtains.  Since these shades are fully adjustable, Aaron can now sit at the kitchen table for dinner and NOT have the sun in his eyes!  I had originally thought to paint the walls a creamy yellow, but since the family room has to be the same color, I decided on a white-to-suggest-grey instead of cream.  It really took on a blue tinge with all of the blue-grey cabinets, but I think the multi-colored shades will tone down the blue.  The rest of my accents will be yellow