
Showing posts from November, 2023

A post of his own

 At last, the search has ended. We -or rather I- had given up.  We even went to the local shelter to see if we could find a suitable companion for us and for Archie, but (fortunately), no dice. And then I got a message from a friend.  They were at the Afghan Hound Club of America National Specialty.  I had jokingly sent them a message the week before to have a good time - and "find me a dog", never imagining that it would happen.  You don't go to a dog show to get a dog.  No one there wants to place out their dog.... or so I thought.  They sent me a message that said "we found the perfect dog for you!" It has taken a month, lots of messages back and forth, a major transportation hurdle, but he is here! Meet CHINO Chino, age 'not yet 3 years'.  Just as promised, he is delightful.  Sweet, calm, friendly.... everything we wanted.  He gets along fine with Archie, even if they are not quite ready to cuddle up together. sharing the sofa and snuffling about in