
Showing posts from August, 2021

August 1? REALLY?

 The reason that we are constantly commenting that "Time Flies", is that it does.  July has been mostly HOT, with a few breaks to open the windows and air out the house from A/C  stuffiness. I guess if you think about it, every season is now "roller coaster weather" as it has become the norm for temperatures to swing from high to low constantly..... Since I am using this blog as a diary, I had better summarize the past month of July: DH the Younger cme out to visit over the July 4th weekend.  He made the trip out this time sans girlfriend as she had to work and he really came out to meet up with old friends who were also congregating for the Holiday weekend.  It was nice to have him here and he actually spent more time with us than planned.  DS the Elder and his family had other plans out of town, so it was a nice quiet weekend.  We did go to a concert with DSY and friends. It was HOT, but that's to be expected, isn't it? Then just the following Monday, we h