
Showing posts from September, 2014

End of Summer?

I can hardly believe that it is September!  These past couple of weeks we have finally had the hot, humid weather that we usually have for weeks at a time in the summer, but have not had this year.  So just as the kids have gone back to school and it is nice a quiet in the neighborhood, it is too miserable to be outside.  Most evenings I have been able to take Elvis for his jog - me on the tricycle - but some evenings it has been just TOO humid!  We have had plenty of rain and stormy weather, too - so that has added to our un-exercise days.I don't know if I posted this, my new recumbent tricycle and Elvis: Last evening we got our break in the weather and today is dry and cooler.  I wanted to go to a field trial today (the point of running Elvis), but with the weather change usually comes a headache, and today was no exception. Sigh.  I really hate losing a day to a stupid headaches! SO on to other news... My Pampered Chef business is crawling along - I am neither lucky nor a