
Showing posts from September, 2020

Another new Season...

 Well, I can hardly believe that I am creating a new post just one month after my last.  I also feel like a broken record when I say 'where did this month go?', but so much has been going on and so many changes have come to pass. First, the two littlest grandchildren started a new daycare out where their mama works, so I no longer have Baby Girl on a daily basis... I kind of miss her!  Picking up Eldest Grandson from Kindergarten has become routine and we are settling into a schedule of our own. The weather has changed and we are into Fall.  The garden is slowing down and just yesterday I started closing it down... I picked all of the peppers and tomatoes and have either processed them for the freezer (all the bell peppers), put them into ripening mode (the under ripe or green tomatoes), or just have them sitting on the counter until I get to them....  I have even taken up all the electric fencing and stashed it in the shed, ready for next year. One last picking... I hope this