
Showing posts from October, 2021


Today is what the Scots would call a driech day.... cloudy, rainy, cool... just that unpleasant sort that does not constitute a storm. It was in the forecast so I knew to expect it and was ready. So far we have had a very pleasant late summer - so few days like this that we can't really say it is fall yet! But now we will have several cool days - as far as the forecast goes - and have had a very tiny hint of frost, so I guess it is time. I have gotten in a few last things from the garden including this big bowl of onions! They were spares from my grown-from-seed bunch and were planted very late. I had no expectation of them getting so big! Another thing that it is time for is applying for the Benefits of getting old in the US...Medicare and Social Security! Oh Joy! Mixed blessing this... Since DH quit working we have not had health insurance, and opted for a Health Group Share program that has cost us less than any independent insurance but has not paid anything towards