
Showing posts from June, 2020

Almost summer!

But some days it feels like summer is already here.  Remember how I said that with the long, cool spring, that I thought summer would come in with full force.  Yep, pretty much!  We have had many days in the high 80*-90*F and the WIND has been pretty strong.  You know the saying... "there are only about 5 windless days in South Dakota"???  pretty true.... On the plus side: The grandkids and I are settling into a routine and we have more good days than bad.  We do a lot of baking or something fun in the kitchen... Muffins, smoothies... I try to keep it healthy and with as little sugar as possible.  We add oatmeal or whole grain to the muffins as well as dried fruits or bananas.  We have built up a repertoire of crafts: stamping, folding paper airplanes, coloring and now with the hot weather, we have added water color painting out on the deck.  I just have to keep the 2-year-old from decorating his face!  Baby girl is sleeping more regularly and longer, so I have time with