
Showing posts from December, 2020

It's NOT Covid-19

 Bummer. Being sick the couple of weeks before Christmas is enough to make anyone feel worse than the virus they might have.  I know this for sure! I started having a morning sore throat about 10 days ago, but it disappeared as the day went on, so I figured I was just sleeping badly (like with my mouth open).  I had had 'the Littles' all that week as DiL's fahter had died and she had gone to help her Mom.  So I was tired too....  But Sunday I actually got the aches and started to feel like I was "coming down with something".  It HIT BIG TIME on Monday, and I was in bed all day with aches, chills, sore throat, headache.... total; BLAH! Tuesday the chills were gone and the aches were much better, so I thought I must have a 'flu virus and my vaccine was going to kick it out for me.  But DIL wanted me to get a Covid test, so I ordered one online.  I also made a stab at ordering groceries online and picking them up curbside.  The grocery store has gotten much faste

Thanksgiving... and then some

 Well, as I look at that last post, I am a bit surprised to see snow.  I mean, I know we HAD snow, but it melted within a week and we have had none since.  As a matter of fact, it has been unseasonably warm and dry.  I have done all kinds of end-of-the-season projects outside that I never seem to get done in a normal year.  We have even put up some Christmas decorations in very mild weather - so it still does not feel like Christmas! No one's fingers even got cold. Thanksgiving has come and gone and we did miss having DS the Younger with us (Damn Covid!).  It was another lovely day full of food and local family.  We watched the modified version of Macy's Parade, which was a bit sad, but still there was Santa, so the day was saved!  DIL and I shared the cooking of the feast and no one went hungry!  I do have to add that the pumpkin pie made from pumpkin grown right in my own back yard was absolutely delicious!  I might have to bake another. apple and pumpkin pies Grandpa with Gr