It's NOT Covid-19


Being sick the couple of weeks before Christmas is enough to make anyone feel worse than the virus they might have.  I know this for sure!

I started having a morning sore throat about 10 days ago, but it disappeared as the day went on, so I figured I was just sleeping badly (like with my mouth open).  I had had 'the Littles' all that week as DiL's fahter had died and she had gone to help her Mom.  So I was tired too....  But Sunday I actually got the aches and started to feel like I was "coming down with something".  It HIT BIG TIME on Monday, and I was in bed all day with aches, chills, sore throat, headache.... total; BLAH!

Tuesday the chills were gone and the aches were much better, so I thought I must have a 'flu virus and my vaccine was going to kick it out for me.  But DIL wanted me to get a Covid test, so I ordered one online.  I also made a stab at ordering groceries online and picking them up curbside.  The grocery store has gotten much faster at picking and packing the orders and I was able to get it that evening.  Guess I need to get better about ordering... ONE banana, ONE pear instead a pound of each!

 Wednesday was better, but the nasal congestion was picking up.. Thursday I felt worse and by Friday, I was feeling pretty rough.  The Covid test came in the afternoon so I got that done and drove to the UPS office to send it back - fully masked!

Saturday was awful and I was back in bed, but I got the results of the Covid Test and I was NEGATIVE!  Today is Sunday and I've been in bed or at least in my room all day with cruddy snot, cough and a bit of fever and some aches, but not horrible.  Hopefully This is the beginning of the end and I will feel better soon.

I still have baking to do, a few simple things to sew, and at least one gift to go out and purchase.  

We have minimal decorations up in the house - DH took pity today (or maybe just got sick of looking at it half-done) and made a stab at decorating the tree.  I don't think we will do much more.  IF DH comes down with this it will be awful, and we will have to stay home alone for Christmas.  But he had the Multi strain 'flu shot, so I hope he doesn't get sick!

I'll let you know how we get on....


  1. Oh dear, poor you! Hope you feel much better soon. Happy Christmas!


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