
Showing posts from January, 2012

Early January

I canNOT believe that it is actually January!  The weather here today started out to be sunny, and the high temperature may have reached 60F.  Of course, by the time I got around to going outside, it was cloudy and in the 50's, but that was perfectly fine with me!  I enjoyed a walk with my dogs and put away some of my outdoor Christmas decorations.  I also did a bit of pruning on my fruit trees - just snipped of a twig here and there. I have had a good week.  The first week of January is usually good for getting organized and I did a bit of that. On Monday I took Elvis down to the Club and had a really good training session with him.  Taking a break from training is really good for Afghan Hounds! Tuesday I had a bunch of my knitters come to hang out and knit at my house.  That is always fun and it seems that several of them had made Resolutions that included coming and knitting on various projects or learning new techniques. On Wednesday, I took down my Christmas decorations a

After the Holidays....

Good Grief!  Where does the time go? Well, looking at my last post, I have an idea that I have been knitting to the exclusion of almost everything else!  I did get two of those pairs of socks done in time for Christmas, but the third pair was only one-half done by Christmas day, with the second sock just started.  I gave them to him anyway, and am still working on it now.  Give me another week or so and I should have it finished.  Then I am taking a BREAK from socks and finishing up some other projects this winter.  I'll start on socks again in the spring when I don't want a heavy project to drag around. This fall has not been the kind to curl up with a cosy pile of knitting in your lap.  It has been unseasonably warm all though New Year's.  We may have had  a couple of days where the overnight temperatures got down into the 20's, but most of the past 2 months have had daytime highs in the upper 30's or 40's and overnight has been in the upper 20's or 30