Early January

I canNOT believe that it is actually January!  The weather here today started out to be sunny, and the high temperature may have reached 60F.  Of course, by the time I got around to going outside, it was cloudy and in the 50's, but that was perfectly fine with me!  I enjoyed a walk with my dogs and put away some of my outdoor Christmas decorations.  I also did a bit of pruning on my fruit trees - just snipped of a twig here and there.

I have had a good week.  The first week of January is usually good for getting organized and I did a bit of that.
On Monday I took Elvis down to the Club and had a really good training session with him.  Taking a break from training is really good for Afghan Hounds!
Tuesday I had a bunch of my knitters come to hang out and knit at my house.  That is always fun and it seems that several of them had made Resolutions that included coming and knitting on various projects or learning new techniques.
On Wednesday, I took down my Christmas decorations and PUT THEM ALL AWAY, which is an improvement over last year ;-)  At least when it came to decorating this year, I didn't have to search and sort through all of my storage boxes to find which decorations I wanted.  I had left all the things I used last year in an open box so all I had to do was carry that one box upstairs and dust everything off.  I will NOT do that again!  As I put them all carefully away, I did a bit of sorting and culling and have a box of unused decorations to donate.
Thursday was laundry and housework.... but I did work in a visit to my mother-in-law and walked the dogs, so it was a good day.
Today is a Red Letter Day.  As I may or may not have mentioned earlier, I am again taking over the position of family bookkeeper.  When we married 30 + years ago, I managed the checkbook and continued to do so for about 20 years. Then as you-know-who was doing the income taxes, he got his knickers in a twist over some late fees and overdraft charges and pitched a royal fit, so I handed it all over to HIM.  Well, he has been managing the checkbook and all money matters for several years now, and not doing any better at completely avoiding late fees than I had (except that now we have enough income that we don't have to worry about overdrafts!).  So during his last hissy fit over something that I don't even remember what,  I told him that I would take over the bookkeeping again.  And so I am.  I am beginning by making out a budget.  Today I found out how to label and sort all of our bank transactions, so I have been going through our statements online and assigning a category to every single transaction.  I plan to print off several different months (at various seasons of the year) and get an average per month of our expenses.  Then I will make out the budget.  This is going to take a few days, but this project is "well begun".

AND, I have a few unidentifiable transactions to clarify with you-know-who!  ;-)


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