
Showing posts from August, 2023

Summer's End

 Summer has been.... summery.  We have had HOT dry weather in May and June, and then in July we started getting the occasional rain shower and some cooler weather ... mixed in with the hot and dry.  I was able to turn off the sprinklers and only set them to go manually on a few occasions... good thing as the water bill for June was double what we usually have to pay!  But while it did not flourish, the City water did keep the garden alive so when the rains came, it took off! I believe this was our first good rain, on July 4, of all days! Rain to celebrate the 4th Jim got to work on his garage project, starting with using all the insulation that he stockpiled two years ago! Hanging insulation. After the rain, it's starting to look like a garden, finally! In July, Archie had a bout of Pancreatitis, and while he had a rough time, he is recovered at last! This was a pretty sick doggie! But he took time off from rabbit chasing to recover... for a bit.  Then he was tempted to chase a bun