
Showing posts from October, 2022

September flew by....

 It is now the beginning of October, and as I look back, September has just disappeared! As is to be expected, there was a good deal of harvesting from the garden. Sept 1 ~Acorn squash and I brought onions in that had been drying out behind the shed. September 5 ~saw some tomatoes and beets. Dr. Wyche's Yellow.  I got quite a few, but these were the biggest. Pickled beets, canned. And one pint jar of peaches. I had more peaches but they didn't seal. Sept 11 ~I canned more tomatoes.  I wasn't getting many tomatoes at a time, so I would pick and chop them up and toss them in the crock pot, the run them through the blender and stash whatever I had in the fridge or freezer.  When I got enough to bother with, I'd pull them all out, warm it up and can. This is how I cooked down all the tomatoes this year. Sometimes I left the crock pot out on the porch, other times I brought it in on the stovetop -  it depended on how hot the weather was. 3 quarts and 9 pints of pureed tomato