September flew by....

 It is now the beginning of October, and as I look back, September has just disappeared! As is to be expected, there was a good deal of harvesting from the garden.

Sept 1 ~Acorn squash and I brought onions in that had been drying out behind the shed.

September 5 ~saw some tomatoes and beets.

Dr. Wyche's Yellow.  I got quite a few, but these were the biggest.

Pickled beets, canned. And one pint jar of peaches.
I had more peaches but they didn't seal.

Sept 11 ~I canned more tomatoes.  I wasn't getting many tomatoes at a time, so I would pick and chop them up and toss them in the crock pot, the run them through the blender and stash whatever I had in the fridge or freezer.  When I got enough to bother with, I'd pull them all out, warm it up and can.
This is how I cooked down all the tomatoes this year.
Sometimes I left the crock pot out on the porch, other times I brought it in on the stovetop -
 it depended on how hot the weather was.

3 quarts and 9 pints of pureed tomatoes.

Sept. 13 ~ I decided to work on the strawberry bed.  I harvested the celery first and ended up with enough for the winter, chopped and frozen, and a good amount left in the fridge to eat fresh for a few weeks.  I got half the bed done.  I ripped out everything and put back anything that looked like it had a healthy crown and good roots.  Then I was worn out!

This is the best the replanted strawberries ever looked...

Septemner 15 ~ Our wedding anniversary.  We went to Morrie's Steak House.

43 years together.

Sept. 19 ~ I made salsa.  Next time, don't add sugar!!!!

Tomato sandwich with cream cheese... and chips with salsa.
Didn't need the sugar so I won't put that in again!
Still, edible.

Sept. 21 ~ I was out in the garden again.  This time to harvest all the rest of the pumpkins and squashes.  But first, I had to empty all the finished compost out of the compost bin so I had someplace to put the vines to make next year's compost.  Quite a job for me, but I got it done!

Emptied bin

...compost moved to a garden bed.

Pumpkin and squash patch - going up the fence!

All cleared except for the impaled pumpkin!

Modest harvest.
Previous harvest (a month ago?) was 7 squash.

Sept. 22 ~ another batch of tomatoes canned.  I'm running out of space in the pantry, so these were put into a box and stored on the floor under the bottom shelf.

Baker's dozen pints.

Sept. 27th ~ I finally got back to the strawberry bed and had a little help.  This time, I used runner plants that I had rooted earlier in the summer.  They look much healthier.

My "helper" was more interested in finding bugs that pulling up plants.

Note to self: use rooted runners, not pulled-up plants to restart the strawberry bed.

So by the end of September, this is what the garden looks like.  The only thing really going are the raspberries.  I might get a cucumber or two off this late-started plant, but not sure.  It really doesn't get much sun.
It's looking pretty spent. 

But the raspberries are just getting going!

Tiny little cucumbers....

Other than the garden, it was a relatively quiet month.  DH was busy with his Tennis team, and around the middle of the month he was offered a part-time job at the tennis facility North of town.  That will keep him out of the house for the winter!  Now for Family and Dogs:

I made a dirndl for DGD for a wedding event.
She doesn't like it... It isn't soft knit.

Th dogs and I did an event for the Kennel Club.

Back to school means back to Library Day with DGS

DH found a baby bunny in the BASEMENT!
Archie took care of it.

Went up to Watertown to the Fiber Fair and spent the afternoon with a good friend.

Grandkids were in a wedding.
Baby Girl wore her dirndl for the rehearsal and her pretty dress for the wedding.
(We were a little afraid she would not, or would cry the whole time.)

I'm trying to get back into sewing.

Grandkids spent the night after the wedding.

My Dear old El turned 12 years old.
Still happy and lookin' great!

Laying on Dad's bed, looking out the window.

The sun rises later every day.

And now it is fall.


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