
Showing posts from April, 2018

Spring.... maybe?

Ok, just forget February... Not much going on, anyway.  Did my housekeeping. Did some knitting. Did a lot of sewing.  It was cold. I ate too much.  End of story. March was interesting.  New Grandson was born on March 7!  We went out to visit a week later, to celebrate his birth and Grandson #1's 3rd birthday on St. Patrick's day.  A good time was had by all! New Grandson And now he is 3! Aside from all this family excitement, I had been planting seeds and hoping for spring...  Our weather has been a roller coaster (as so many Springs are), but this year worst than most.  We've had snow more frequently in March and April than in the rest of the winter!  I dare not put anything in the greenhouse (ask how I know this....I had to reorder one batch of seeds) unless it is frost-proof.  The brassicas and lettuces have done well, as have the peas; they don't mind the cold at all. Cabbages, Broccoli, Cauliflower PEAS! Planted IN the greenhouse on March 4

January 2018

Januaries are a time for sorting out your thoughts, your house, your plans for the new year. I've done a little of all of these... Since I am following a housekeeping system, my house is in better shape than it has been for a long time.  Still not perfect, but my kitchen is staying tidy and I have a regular routine for cleaning... at least I did!  More on that later... After the holidays there is a lot of sorting out to do... putting away the holiday decorations, getting your house back in order, finding a "new normal". Many years I get into a major "organizing" mode, but this year, probably because I have been sorting and purging and organizing better over the past few months, I didn't get that huge urge.  This year, I have been sewing.  I have found inspiration and motivation from watching sewing vlogs on YouTube.  Not that they are professional or are teaching me new methods or techniques (I'm getting that from my Garment Construction class that I