Spring.... maybe?

Ok, just forget February... Not much going on, anyway.  Did my housekeeping. Did some knitting. Did a lot of sewing.  It was cold. I ate too much.  End of story.

March was interesting.  New Grandson was born on March 7!  We went out to visit a week later, to celebrate his birth and Grandson #1's 3rd birthday on St. Patrick's day.  A good time was had by all!
New Grandson

And now he is 3!

Aside from all this family excitement, I had been planting seeds and hoping for spring...  Our weather has been a roller coaster (as so many Springs are), but this year worst than most.  We've had snow more frequently in March and April than in the rest of the winter!  I dare not put anything in the greenhouse (ask how I know this....I had to reorder one batch of seeds) unless it is frost-proof.  The brassicas and lettuces have done well, as have the peas; they don't mind the cold at all.

Cabbages, Broccoli, Cauliflower

PEAS! Planted IN the greenhouse on March 4.

Everything else has had to stay indoors either in a window or under a grow light.  My house was beginning to look like a nursery... the plant kind.

Basement growing space... and potting on!

Tomatoes in my bedroom.. dreaming of spring as it snows!

But now we can get outdoors and the real hard work has begun.  I had built new raised beds in the garage and transported them out to my plot, one pair in late Feb. and another in March. Here is one done and planted up with onions. Hope I get another bumper crop!

4 New raised beds needing to be filled with soil from that pile covered by the blue tarp... waaaay over there!

Do a little, and do it often.
 That works well if you can get one rainy day a week to stay in and recover!


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