
Showing posts from February, 2012

Winter is still here.....

Even though it has been a very mild winter for Northern Illinois, it is still with us.  Today it started to snow again, BIG, JUICY flakes that looked like manna falling from heaven.  We had about an inch of snow on the ground in just a half-hour, but it then slowed down and we haven't gotten much more.  We are supposed to get 6-8" overnight, but I hope they have over estimated - again. This is the view out my back door this afternoon.  You CAN see the big snowflakes! An update on my projects:  I have finally finished that second sock from Christmas. They are delivered to DS and I hope he likes them.  I had to take a break from sock knitting.  My hands and my attention were just wearing out!  I also needed to get a prayer shawl made for a good friend that is going through Cancer. Now I am going to finish a sweater that I started last winter! I got the budget made out and the family bookkeeping is going well - or at least as much as I can determine after just a month an