
Showing posts from 2020

It's NOT Covid-19

 Bummer. Being sick the couple of weeks before Christmas is enough to make anyone feel worse than the virus they might have.  I know this for sure! I started having a morning sore throat about 10 days ago, but it disappeared as the day went on, so I figured I was just sleeping badly (like with my mouth open).  I had had 'the Littles' all that week as DiL's fahter had died and she had gone to help her Mom.  So I was tired too....  But Sunday I actually got the aches and started to feel like I was "coming down with something".  It HIT BIG TIME on Monday, and I was in bed all day with aches, chills, sore throat, headache.... total; BLAH! Tuesday the chills were gone and the aches were much better, so I thought I must have a 'flu virus and my vaccine was going to kick it out for me.  But DIL wanted me to get a Covid test, so I ordered one online.  I also made a stab at ordering groceries online and picking them up curbside.  The grocery store has gotten much faste

Thanksgiving... and then some

 Well, as I look at that last post, I am a bit surprised to see snow.  I mean, I know we HAD snow, but it melted within a week and we have had none since.  As a matter of fact, it has been unseasonably warm and dry.  I have done all kinds of end-of-the-season projects outside that I never seem to get done in a normal year.  We have even put up some Christmas decorations in very mild weather - so it still does not feel like Christmas! No one's fingers even got cold. Thanksgiving has come and gone and we did miss having DS the Younger with us (Damn Covid!).  It was another lovely day full of food and local family.  We watched the modified version of Macy's Parade, which was a bit sad, but still there was Santa, so the day was saved!  DIL and I shared the cooking of the feast and no one went hungry!  I do have to add that the pumpkin pie made from pumpkin grown right in my own back yard was absolutely delicious!  I might have to bake another. apple and pumpkin pies Grandpa with Gr

Everything... On again, off again!

 Husband home.... husband working. Kids in daycare, kids with me.... The weather gets cold and snowy, then warms up to shirtsleeve weather ...WHAT????? The only thing predictable is that Trump is being an idiot and Covid marches on.... So, on a happier note:  We have been getting on rather well.  I have had the kids for the past 3 weeks and did not really expect them to go back to daycare, but the incidences of exposure has decreased in Howard, so D-i-L feels it is safe for them to go back.   When Husband did not stick with the job he had lined up, that put us in a Health Insurance lurch, so we went hunting and found a not-for-profit organization that calls itself a Health Share organization - not insurance but operates similarly.  So then husband could look for part-time work, which he has done.  He has found one "job" as a sort of private contractor and has been doing that for a few days, and he has also been called to Home Depot and will do an orientation and be assigned t

Yet more changes....

 What? Only a couple of weeks since my last post? That's another change! Jim's job only lasted for 10 days... it was just too hard on him.  Knees, learning curve, uncertainty...  So he quit, came home and started applying for other jobs the same day.  He is getting call-backs and interviews, but may have to take part time-no benefits. So to add to our concerns is finding Health care insurance.  What a nightmare! And then.... Covid has hit the kid's daycare facility - and that whole small town in general.  So I have the kids again indefinitely.  Kids AND Jim at home (and stressed out) is not going to be a happy combination.  I think I'll be going over to their house for the day ... often... Babies are fun Grandma turned TV off. So they found the Echo View and asked Alexa for videos. AND the weather has changed to fall!  We have even had our first snow flurry, with more expected in the coming days.  No accumulations yet, but still.... depressing.  Our spring and falls her

Garden totals

 While it isn't over until it's over, the garden is pretty much done for the year.  So I decided to take a bit of inventory today to see how well we have done.  Compared to last year when I got almost nothing (except the 50 or so onions that a friend picked out of my old garden and sent home with my hubby), anything will be progress!  I know I don't have enough of anything to last a full year... except green beans - I might have enough of those! Here are a couple of pics of the freezer and pantry. I've actually made a current inventory, so for lack of a better place to save it, I'll put it here.  This does not take into consideration all of the things I have eaten so far! NOT from my garden;    Purchased produce, then frozen:                    2 gal. bags peaches                    2 gal bags of Jersey sweet potatoes (patties)                    2 qt. & 2 pt. containers of applesauce Gifted produce:                    2 pt. & 2 half pt. pear jam            

Another new Season...

 Well, I can hardly believe that I am creating a new post just one month after my last.  I also feel like a broken record when I say 'where did this month go?', but so much has been going on and so many changes have come to pass. First, the two littlest grandchildren started a new daycare out where their mama works, so I no longer have Baby Girl on a daily basis... I kind of miss her!  Picking up Eldest Grandson from Kindergarten has become routine and we are settling into a schedule of our own. The weather has changed and we are into Fall.  The garden is slowing down and just yesterday I started closing it down... I picked all of the peppers and tomatoes and have either processed them for the freezer (all the bell peppers), put them into ripening mode (the under ripe or green tomatoes), or just have them sitting on the counter until I get to them....  I have even taken up all the electric fencing and stashed it in the shed, ready for next year. One last picking... I hope this

Changes, changes - that's our "New Normal'

 What was that I said in my last post about things always changing?  Well, this month will fit that mold, too!  BIG changes and I hope they will all be good. The first to pop up was that the kids decided to put the two little ones in a different daycare, out in the small town where D-i-L works. Very good logic as that daycare has much smaller classes and most of the children there have parents in the same health-care group as my D-i-L works with... so if there is any exposure to Covid-19, staff will probably all be sent home just like the kids. Oldest Grandson started school, and I will still be on call to pick him up every day and keep him until the parents are done at work.  So I'll be trading two littles for one big!  As well, I will also still be the back-up if (when) anyone has to be in isolation or schools close.  So I'm telling myself that I'm just having a little break.... The next HUGE change is that hubby has accepted a job here and will be moving here soon - at l

A year in my new home... REALLY?

 As I look at the calendar, I see that the date that I moved out here has come and gone...  Do I feel like I have been here that long?  Yes, and no. I feel like I lost the year before, from my old home; backing out of activities and commitments, going through my big house and downsizing, having a sale, and then packing up and dividing our belongings into His apartment and Our house... THAT year was a nightmare that thankfully ended when I arrived out here.  I think I spent the first couple of months in recovery! It was interesting setting up a household for one, and making space for Hubby whenever he could come.  Poor guy, he still feels homeless as his apartment is not very comfortable and his time out here has not really allowed him to settle in and feel at home - However! - with this Covid thing, he WAS out here for several weeks!  I almost think that made it worse for him to go back.... So, what DID I do this past year?  I rode a crazy wild roller coaster!  At first it was kind of

August? Already?

 And almost half gone now, as well! It has been an interesting couple of weeks since I posted last... or maybe not... It was nice to have DS the Younger here for a few days.  Yes, his girlfriend is lovely and everyone got along just fine.  They spent their first day mostly with an old school friend of DS, so I got my Friday to recover from my week of daycare, as I enjoy.  The rest of the weekend was spent mostly at DS the Elder's home, which is on a lake, and so very holiday-like.  DS the younger did help me with a couple of little chores, but we had shocking hot weather so not too much.  He did dig up all my potatoes (which we promptly enjoyed a few of at dinner) and it took both boys to get my fire detectors in order. DS the Younger and Friend Helpers digging the potatoes! Sons, being helpful and checking smoke detectors.. Uncle reading one of his favorite childhood books to nephew.  Also his favorite: The Giant Jam Sandwich by John Vernon Lord Shortly after that weekend, I came

High Summer

Just as I expected, summer is HOT! I am SO glad that I got the irrigation figured out for the garden.  Speaking of which, it has finally taken off.  We have dug a few potatoes and I've picked the odd lettuce plant (but I have to admit, I don't really like home-grown lettuce - I'm not all that crazy about lettuce at all).  Those first two beds that I built and planted are still struggling, but we have had a handfull of pea pods.  Not the bushel of peas I had hoped to freeze, though. I did re-seed the carrots and beets and they took much better this time. I'm going to have cucumbers coming out my ears! They are growing and climbing and flowering like mad... and of course I have 3 different varieties!  They are climbing up the trellis (but I have to check on them and head them up every day) as are the acorn squash.  The corn is forming tassels and the one pumpkin seedling that I planted back in that corner is taking over!  The tomatoes are going to town and my favo