High Summer

Just as I expected, summer is HOT!

I am SO glad that I got the irrigation figured out for the garden.

 Speaking of which, it has finally taken off.  We have dug a few potatoes and I've picked the odd lettuce plant (but I have to admit, I don't really like home-grown lettuce - I'm not all that crazy about lettuce at all).  Those first two beds that I built and planted are still struggling, but we have had a handfull of pea pods.  Not the bushel of peas I had hoped to freeze, though.

I did re-seed the carrots and beets and they took much better this time. I'm going to have cucumbers coming out my ears! They are growing and climbing and flowering like mad... and of course I have 3 different varieties!  They are climbing up the trellis (but I have to check on them and head them up every day) as are the acorn squash.  The corn is forming tassels and the one pumpkin seedling that I planted back in that corner is taking over!  The tomatoes are going to town and my favorite garden job of tying up and pruning tomatoes is now a weekly thing.  And believe it or not, those poor bunny-eaten peppers have recovered and grown and are even flowering!

I bit the bullet and bought an electric fence for small critters.  I do think I made a mistake and bought a plug-in charger that is supposed to be out of the weather.  Mine is mounted on an exterior wall of the house in full-frontal storm position.  So I don't plug it in on nights that rain is predicted and occasionally I am still seeing some rabbit damage... so I still have the annoying chicken wire around those precious peppers! Project #1 is to get a shelter built over that charger so I can leave it plugged in!

The biggest news is that the boys have gone back to daycare.  I've now had just Baby Girl for a week, it was strange, but ... freeing.  With Baby Girl taking two generous naps a day, I can get a lot done!  I will still have the 2-year-old one day, but that will be okay.  Most of my troubles were the boys picking at each other.  So I'm back to keeping house better and SEWING!

I am also back to taking a class with the dogs.  I have Archie registered in a Scentwork class once a week, and El goes along for the ride -he gets to practice at home with us, too.  There are only 2 other people/dogs in the class, so social distancing is easy... and we are often outside as well.

So summer goes....  I'm looking forward to having DS the Younger come to visit in another week or so.  He is also bringing his girlfriend.  I hope we all like each other!


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