
Showing posts from April, 2023

Marching along

 Did I say that last month was a bit of a slog?  Well, it was in many ways and some of which I have not mentioned yet.  So I will now. I have been having more trouble than usual in losing weight, so I have been to a Weight Management physician and health coach through our health system.  While I am nowhere near the extreme that they usually work with, they have been helping me assess my issues and encouraging me to stick with some new habits like logging my food and watching the proportions of carbs, proteins, and fats to manage more weight loss.  They have also affirmed that being post-menopausal is an issue, but my regular GP does NOT want me to go back on hormone therapy due to my high cholesterol.  So I'm stuck and frustated.  The weight mgt. doctor suggested an over-the-counter supplement that might help me with my hormones, so I am trying that, but it will take time before I see results.  To date, I've lost only 6#. I also need to exercise more but you know - weather.  I