
Showing posts from April, 2016

Where did March and April go????

I really don't think that I have been all THAT busy!  But I guess I have... or have simply not thought to post an entry here. Yes, considering the previous post, I have been doing a bit of sewing.  I finished a quilt for Jasper's first birthday and had it done and mailed before the Big 1 Birthday.  Here it is: Then in April, we were going out to visit for his Baptism.  So I finished a dress, discovered the weather was going to be cool again, and made a skirt.  Here they are: Myself, Son, Grandson, Daughter-in-law, other son. at the Baptism. So I AM making good use of my new machines!  I am continuing to sew as the weather has been a real roller coaster this year.... we will have lovely warm weather, have the windows open and want to be outdoors all day...then we get a cold front in and want to be indoors with sweaters on for the next week! We had quite lovely weather occasionally in March.  I was thrilled to be able to get some of my plants moved out to t