
Showing posts from July, 2014

Summer Sailing by....

      These are the first tomatoes from my garden this year.  They are going to be few and far between...  I am growing them in containers and they are not being prolific....  I think I have more of the dark colored cherry tomatoes coming on, but the Early Girls (which have always been good producers) are NOT happy in their pot and I think there are only a couple more blooms..Oh, well.  I'll just have to go to the Farmer's Market. I have had plenty of other things to pick.... Last week I spent a while picking raspberries and currants. I got quite a few but of course, just NOT enough to make anything out of... not enough currant juice to make jelly and not quite enough raspberries to make jam... So I just chucked them all in the freezer!   I still have plenty of raspberries to eat on my breakfast cereal, if I can brave the mosquitoes to pick them! Since I am still recovering from the broken foot/leg/ankle, I have had a bunch of housekeeping things tha

Back to Normal?

Some of the linens from Margie.. I made the blue edged hankie. Actually, I don't really think I have a "normal" - or maybe I should say I don't have a "routine".  Since my mother-in-law's passing and all the related business, my house is sort of cluttered and I guess so is my mind!  While I have very little of the planning and managing sorts of things to do, I still have a handful of details that I need to work out.  Having sold her house last year, that HUGE project is behind us - and my sister-in-law had managed most of that all by herself.  The few boxes and things that we took into our home are only somewhat distributed, and now we have the items that were in Margie's room at the care facility - she had several pieces of her own furniture, only a few things went to Goodwill, the rest are here.... So I need to do some re-arranging to accommodate the few pieces of furniture, and I am not quite into that level of activity, much as I would

Heaven's newest Angel...

Not many married women can say that they truly love their Mother-in-law.   I can.   My Mother-in law is a lovely woman in every sense of the word. She is kind, considerate, giving and a wonderful role model.  Sometimes I think that I married my husband because I could tell that she was going to be a gem.   I know that she felt good about me, too.  She told me years ago, that in one of her Bible Studies, the discussion was about Naomi and Ruth. This is the infamous passage that is taken out of context and used in wedding ceremonies.  In the Book of Ruth, Chapter 1 we are told that Naomi had two sons, both of whom died and she was left with 2 daughters-in-law.  Naomi decided to go back to her own people, and since the daughters-in-law were from another tribe, she told them to go back to their own people and find new husbands.  In  Ruth  1:16, the second daughter-in-law refuses to leave Naomi: But Ruth says" entreat me not to leave you or to return from following you; for where