Summer Sailing by....


These are the first tomatoes from my garden this year.  They are going to be few and far between...  I am growing them in containers and they are not being prolific....  I think I have more of the dark colored cherry tomatoes coming on, but the Early Girls (which have always been good producers) are NOT happy in their pot and I think there are only a couple more blooms..Oh, well.  I'll just have to go to the Farmer's Market.

I have had plenty of other things to pick.... Last week I spent a while picking raspberries and currants. I got quite a few but of course, just NOT enough to make anything out of... not enough currant juice to make jelly and not quite enough raspberries to make jam... So I just chucked them all in the freezer! 
 I still have plenty of raspberries to eat on my breakfast cereal, if I can brave the mosquitoes to pick them!

Since I am still recovering from the broken foot/leg/ankle, I have had a bunch of housekeeping things that just have NOT gotten done... and have been feeling rather overwhelmed at the thought of catching up.  So sorting through my brain, I came up with the idea of asking my niece to come up and give me a hand.  She is 19, so I figured she was capable of driving the 5 hours or so, and if she wanted to do it, I would treat her to some special places to go up here.  So after much finagling with the family, she got a friend to come with her and they came up last week.  Their one request was to see Lake Michigan, so considering the weather forecast, we took off for the Lake about an hour after they arrived.
Niece and friend in center.. my shadow taking photo.
It was a hot, humid day, about 89F.  We grabbed drinks and sandwiches at a Subway shop along the way, and just hung out on the beach for a while.  No swimming - that lake is COLD!
The next day the girls worked like fiends, helping me to take down and wash curtains, collect and bag up things for Goodwill, put my Christmas decorations away (properly!) and sort out my supplies for an upcoming Pampered Chef party.  They did such a good job that we then took off for IKEA - I had been sending Carly gift cards from IKEA for the year before she graduated from High School so she could get things for going to College. She forgot to bring them!  But they still had fun... and I managed to walk all the way around all 3 floors!

I was SO happy to have their help.  As soon as I am through this week of the Memorial Service, I do believe that I will be able to settle down and find a new routine....  Here is one of the things that is going to be a part of it - Elvis and I are going to exercise together and get ready to GO!
It is a recumbent tricycle and it is safe for me AND Elvis.  So now we can both exercise at the same time!


  1. That all sounds good except the 89 degrees. I wilt at the very thought.


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