Back to Normal?

Some of the linens from Margie.. I made the blue edged hankie.
Actually, I don't really think I have a "normal" - or maybe I should say I don't have a "routine".  Since my mother-in-law's passing and all the related business, my house is sort of cluttered and I guess so is my mind!  While I have very little of the planning and managing sorts of things to do, I still have a handful of details that I need to work out.  Having sold her house last year, that HUGE project is behind us - and my sister-in-law had managed most of that all by herself.  The few boxes and things that we took into our home are only somewhat distributed, and now we have the items that were in Margie's room at the care facility - she had several pieces of her own furniture, only a few things went to Goodwill, the rest are here....

So I need to do some re-arranging to accommodate the few pieces of furniture, and I am not quite into that level of activity, much as I would like to be!  Husband is up to his ears in catching up at work and with his tennis students, and he also has some estate kinds of things to manage as well as planning a Memorial Service that we will have in a couple of weeks.  So I need to draft a couple of neighbor kids to help me shuffle some furniture around!

Besides all that, I have currents to harvest and I have a modest container of cherries in my refrigerator that need to be pitted and made into something yummy.... I also need to get some baking done for the Church Bake Sale that is this coming Saturday!

Why am I sitting here, typing about nothing....  Therapy, I guess....

I still find myself thinking about how to plan a visit to Margie into my day.... I could swing by and take her a Root Beer after my Chiropractic appointment...  She would like to have some Cherry pie when I get it made....  I'd like to show her the quilt squares that I am working on....    I know these thoughts are going to be with me for a long time.  I still think of my Grandmothers and they have been gone for years... and my own mother and the things I would like to share with her, but while her body is still here, her mind has checked out....  Someday we will all meet again and have a wonderful sharing of spirits.  For now, I have laundry to finish and some lovely crocheted hankies and embroidered dresser cloths to iron.

Better get moving!
Thank God for perennials or I would not have a garden at all this year!  The Day Lilies are starting!


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