
Showing posts from June, 2014

Late June

Ta DAAA ! I am officially OUT of the cast and onto bigger and better things.... like gardening!  I told my Physical Therapist that I simply MUST get out in my garden and she recommended a brace for my ankle to keep me steady and to protect it from re-injury.  She also warned me against doing too much - which I ignored.... Last weekend we had the boys home and all went to a wedding. Here is a pic of all of us, taken at the reception: I think it is lovely picture of all of us!  Eldest son was a groomsman, thus the matching purple tie. The next day we had Grandma over to a brunch with all of us before Eldest son and D-I-L had to head for home.  Younger son could stay longer, finish his laundry, and again he helped me in the garden a bit.  We just went out to LOOK at the garden, then bent over to pull a weed or two, and just kept going.. until DS hit a nest of yellowjackets!  OUCH!  He was stung 3 times, but we got him in and treated quickly, so it was only a minor injury.  But that


Oh what progress I have made!  In the past couple of weeks I have become more mobile and stronger every day.  I have laid my crutches aside here in the house, and use them only when I am out and about.  I have been to a small grocery store (still not up to roaming around the big supermarkets) and helped more with the laundry now that I can get up and down stairs better... at least in the upright position!  It amazes me how much muscle strength I had lost in 6 weeks of being unable to use one leg!  The other leg is quite strong - to the point of being over worked - but the rest of me is pretty flabby. Doctor appointment yesterday was all good news.  He is very surprised at how well I have recovered, and gave me permission to not only leave the crutches behind, but to leave the boot-cast off when I am at home!  I am still to use it when I go out of the house for at least the next 2 weeks, and start physical therapy to regain strength and functionality.  But the end is in sight and I f