Late June

I am officially OUT of the cast and onto bigger and better things.... like gardening!  I told my Physical Therapist that I simply MUST get out in my garden and she recommended a brace for my ankle to keep me steady and to protect it from re-injury.  She also warned me against doing too much - which I ignored....

Last weekend we had the boys home and all went to a wedding. Here is a pic of all of us, taken at the reception:

I think it is lovely picture of all of us!  Eldest son was a groomsman, thus the matching purple tie.

The next day we had Grandma over to a brunch with all of us before Eldest son and D-I-L had to head for home.  Younger son could stay longer, finish his laundry, and again he helped me in the garden a bit.  We just went out to LOOK at the garden, then bent over to pull a weed or two, and just kept going.. until DS hit a nest of yellowjackets!  OUCH!  He was stung 3 times, but we got him in and treated quickly, so it was only a minor injury.  But that meant that work in the garden had to be on hold until they were taken care of.

I went shopping this week. One day to the supermarket (quite a hike for me) and another day to the DIY store and the plant nursery.  It has taken me two more days of work in the garden, pulling weeds, spraying the yellowjacket nest, and digging, but with the exception of a small tray of leeks, I have everything planted.  Here it is!

The broccoli and onions in the first section are what DS planted in mid-May, and they are all doing really well.  When we got rid of the weeds, we found garlic (I think) down the middle of section two, as well as the blasted tarragon that we can't get rid of...  and I planted cabbage, fennel (we had lots of seedlings of that, too), and on the trellis, I have a bush cucumber and a butternut squash.  The back section is where the yellowjackets were, at the end of where I have put up the poles for the runner beans.  Keeping those on the sunny side, I have saved space to plant late crop peas, after the beans are up and creating a bit of shade.  We also found some volunteer tomatoes, which I will allow to grow - they are a small grape variety, I think.  Maybe later today I will get out and plant the leeks, but for now I need a bit of foot up time!

I also bought a few new perennials (buy 2, get one free) so I am going to try something new:  Sweet peas and Lupines.  The sweet peas are planted beside the garage door, where I put a trellis for them to climb up.  The Lupine is in the postbox garden, as well as a replacement for the Phlox that I lost over the winter.  I also put a few new herbs in the herb garden - but the blasted mint is already popping back up....

My herb garden needs more work but that will have to wait....

And now... LUNCH!


  1. All very impressive - though I have no idea what yellowjackets are. They sound like potatoes but I'm assuming not...

  2. HA Isabelle! No, yellowjackets are not potatoes, they are a nasty variety of wasp that resembles a honey bee. They swarm and sting if disturbed, so we had to get them OUT of the garden!


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