August? Already?

 And almost half gone now, as well!

It has been an interesting couple of weeks since I posted last... or maybe not...

It was nice to have DS the Younger here for a few days.  Yes, his girlfriend is lovely and everyone got along just fine.  They spent their first day mostly with an old school friend of DS, so I got my Friday to recover from my week of daycare, as I enjoy.  The rest of the weekend was spent mostly at DS the Elder's home, which is on a lake, and so very holiday-like.  DS the younger did help me with a couple of little chores, but we had shocking hot weather so not too much.  He did dig up all my potatoes (which we promptly enjoyed a few of at dinner) and it took both boys to get my fire detectors in order.

DS the Younger and Friend

Helpers digging the potatoes!

Sons, being helpful and checking smoke detectors..

Uncle reading one of his favorite childhood books to nephew.  Also his favorite:
The Giant Jam Sandwich by John Vernon Lord

Shortly after that weekend, I came down with a nasty bug.  It must have been a virus, probably picked up from the Daycare Boys, and uncomfortable enough that I called my Doctor to see if I should get a CoronaVirus test.... she said no, I didn't have enough of the right symptoms, and that it probably was just a bug from the kids.  WELL, I still felt crappy with low-grade fever, BODY ACHES, and a little bit of congestion.  This went on for 10 DAYS!  I am just now over it and still a bit weak and lazy, but it feels SO GOOD to be free of those symptoms and off of Tylenol (which I was having to take the full dosage of for several days, and I know it isn't good for your liver).  WHEW!!!!

One of the nice, not-so-nice, events during that week is that Archie decided to become Hunter Extraordinaire and kill several garden pest critters.  I was happy to have him do this, but cleaning up dead bodies was not especially fun when running a fever..... He has two bunnies and a chipmunk on his kill card now....  We saw another rabbit yesterday, but they didn't manage to get it before it dashed under the fence.  I'll get that hole fixed asap!

My excellent HUNTER!

I finally felt like going for a slow walk yesterday, but there are NO shaded areas around our neighborhood (one of the down-sides to living in a newer area).  So I looked on Google Maps and found the Japanese Gardens here in town. It is shaded in the mornings, so it turned out perfectly as El and I went about 9:30 am, before it got HOT... again.

My best walking buddy.  Always good to pose for me.

Today's additional blessings are that I have a free Monday (the kids are still on a 4-day vacation), and it is cooler and RAINING!!! A beautiful, gentle, soaking rain with the occasional downpour and thunderstorm to brighten things up (and exchange life-giving nitrogen to the soil).

The garden from the Dining Room window, showing all the hoses I've been using to keep it watered!
The black and then blue one is the sump pump exhaust drain, and it has not been putting out nearly enough without rain for several weeks!  So I had to get out the yellow hose for the City water to top things up a bit.

The view of my garden from my bathroom window (sorry about the screen).

But this is enough rambling for now.  I need to get on with some basic cleaning and prep for food preservation coming up soon.  I have cucumbers coming out my ears, and I believe I might have enough tomatoes to make my first batch of sauce!  I have enjoyed a couple of slicers on a sandwich this past week (I'm sure that helped my recovery), but the sauce varieties are just now coming ripe.

Early Girl tomato on whole grain bread with cream cheese and seasonings.

Now to get on with things!  My Morning Routine is done and my Flylady coach suggests one physical action to add to that routine today, so I'm still thinking about what I could add to that...  But on my personal list today is a quick clean to my bed/bathroom and a WHB in the main great room.  That should be about all I can handle.


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