Holiday Ramblings....

Christmas could I put it???  Exhausting.  Garish. Expensive. 

 and Definitely OFF COURSE! 

Why have we allowed commercialism to ruin this holiday?... no, make that Holy Day.  I am so sick of all the advertising and pressure to buy Buy BUY and have Have HAVE and party Party PARTY!  I wish I could find a place to go for the month of December where you are not inundated with all this crap that has infiltrated our Christian celebration of the Birth of Christ.

Now, don't get me wrong or mistake my religious fervor.  I am not an Evangelical or fundamental style of Christian.  I practice my faith and a quiet way; I participate in my Church and am active in several of the Church's ministries.  But I am not preachy or evangelistic.... that turns many people away.  If anything I am TOO low-key.  But with all the bright flashing lights and outrageous gifts and holiday parties that are certainly NOT about celebrating the birth of Christ, I feel that our culture is truly missing the point.  I feel that the holiday has been hijacked by a bunch of childish, selfish, self-indulgent .... IDIOTS.

For some reason, this year it is irritating me more than usual.  No, I am not being a Scrooge... I am purchasing gifts and wrapping them in festive paper, planning a nice Christmas dinner, and TRYING to get into the mood to do some decorating.  We have put some (plain, white) lights on the outside of the house (due to my husband's desire and especially warm weather), and I do like to put candles in the windows.  We will get a small tree and decorate it with all of our special ornaments.  I have set out the beautiful creche that Dear Husband purchased for me last year (we had never had one - the ones I admired were too expensive).

So what can one person do?  Especially when surrounded by houses with air-filled Santa lawn ornaments and multi-colored flashing lights?


Grin and bear it.  

And look the other way.....


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