This and that.....

I knew that I had not written in a while, but as I look now, I see that it has been about 6 weeks!  Christmas has been here and gone, with a minimum of fuss.  My oldest son and his wife came for a few days and it was lovely to have them here with us for Christmas.  With Christmas falling during the middle of the week, it was a bit awkward for those who have to work - and don't have vacation time built up yet.  Ben had to be back on the job the day after Christmas, which meant that they had to travel home on Christmas we tried something new.  We had our celebration on Christmas Eve.  It worked out really well, especially since there are no little ones to wait for Santa!

Getting back into the swing of things was a trial this year.... but this does't really surprise me - I generally hibernate in January...  I do NOT have SAD, but I do believe we must all be affected to some point by the lack of daylight hours...And having 'flu doesn't help!

January has not been without productivity.  Why is it that so many of us feel that urge to get organized in January???  I cleaned and re-organized my workroom one afternoon and that was a real boon!
Of course, this picture shows only about 1/3 of the room, but the rest of it isn't too bad. These are just the shelves that hold my quilting fabrics and books, general sewing and craft books, my paper crafts supplies and photos for scrap booking.  Most of my garment and home decorating fabrics and my yarns are in a closet on the other side of the room, behind my sewing machine and serger.  The other wall has both of our computers, printer and paperwork kinds of things...  It's a big room ;-)

Another project was triggered by all those neat functions on Ravlery.  I have entered almost all of my yarn stash, my stitchery library and even listed all of my knitting needles and crochet hooks!  Not all on the same day, of course... ;-) Almost all of my finished projects are listed here; here is the link if you would like to see what I have been doing:

 I have been knitting cowls and socks and now have also picked up a PHD.... aka Project Half Done.  Several years ago (REALLY???) I started to crochet two afghans - different patterns and different colors - one for the bedroom and one for the family room.  But both of them have been laid aside as they have gotten to the point of being quite large and not at all pleasant to work on unless the weather is cold and you want something warm on your lap!  As I was sitting in the family room knitting a sock one evening, I became aware that I was freakin' cold and that little sock was NOT doing anything to keep me warm!  I noticed the bag behind the chair and remembered that it contained a half-done afghan, and stuffed that sock back in it's bag and drew up the afghan, dusted it off and dug out the instructions -which thankfully were photocopied and folded up inside of it.  So for the past week, I have sat comfortably warmed, crocheting on the Afghan and by Jove, I just might finish it before warm weather!

What an odd winter we have had!  January temperatures have ranged from +60 to -5 (in a matter of days) and we have gone from dry ground with dust and dead grass, to torrents of rain creating rivulets of erosion down our side yard, and now -finally- snow!  Three seasons in a month!  No wonder everyone is getting sick!  And the poor dogs are bored to tears...and destruction.  Elvis has gotten into several things and caused some serious damage... dog toys shredded and eaten, blister packs of pills crunched (but he didn't eat any), plastic containers stolen and mauled (empty, thank goodness) but the really naughty thing was eating the top off of my BRAND NEW pair of shoes!  Stinker....  Guess he showed me what he thought of my going away for 4 days and leaving him at home....  Oh well.  I should know that he MUST have more exercise and brain stimulation. Missing training class for three weeks was really awful for him. But we are back to training now and he is getting better.  We were dancing in the kitchen one night.... Freestyle here we come!  ...Like the other Elvis sings....."You ain't nothin' but a hound dog"....


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