
I was thinking about writing this post last evening... but I decided to wait a bit and see how I felt this morning.

I love my husband... most of the time....

I believe that in a post last spring I might have mentioned how helpful he was when my foot was broken?  He did step up to the bat and did well more than his share of housework in addition to holding down his regular job. I'm all recovered now and have taken over the household responsibilities... so no more shrunken handmade wool socks ;-) 

And Husband has filled his schedule with his other activities.  Earlier this summer he had several students he was coaching in tennis.  This meant a LOT more laundry. It was normal for him to play tennis 4 or 5 days a week, and sometimes he would teach in the morning, come home and shower and go to work for a bit, then go back out and teach that evening.  Every time he plays tennis he comes home sweating like a racehorse... and smelling of same.  Like I said - lots of laundry.

Now that is over since school has started, and he has swung over to music. Not nearly so much laundry.

He sings in a Barbershop Chorus and has been part of a Quartet for a few years.  But now he has been drafted into a different Quartet that wants to be competitive.... yes, there is a serious organization for Barbershop singing and there are international competitions!  But this new group sings a different set of songs, so he has been practicing his part a LOT lately. 

Which part you might ask?  He sings Tenor.  That is NOT the melody line. 

 It is high..... very high.  And tuneless - like a descant. 

Now you have to understand that DH has always had a very nice singing voice. He studied music in college and even had the lead in La Boheme... without being in any of the instructor's private tutoring lists - they didn't know where he had come from!  So he can sing!

But this isn't quite the same (she complains with a whine).  It is just squeaky high and discordant and not at all pleasant to listen to all by himself.... grating on the nerves actually. He probably sounds just great blended with the other 3 parts, but just the one part is.... not a blend....

  Did I mention that I have been watching a lot of videos on Youtube?...
on my computer in my workroom upstairs.?...     with the door closed.?.... 

 But I do love my husband.  

Especially when he is asleep.


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