Inch by Inch....

I am so pleased to report that good progress has been made!

In the past week I have earned several Master Gardener Volunteer hours... AND made progress on my own gardens.  There is still more to go, but I am SO grateful for the progress that I have made!

The historic garden at Petersen Farm, I dug and planted this first section.

Each time this spring that I have attempted to work in the garden, I have become amazingly exhausted - even just an hour was a recipe for sitting the rest of the day.  But now I have found that I can work harder and longer, and with a little bit of a rest, I can continue to do the things that I need to for the rest of the day.  This is a HUGE improvement!  The spring weather roller coaster has actually been a help.  After I work a couple of days and get really tired, we have some messy, rainy weather so I can recover (smile).

Just as an example: Friday I had worked at the Master Gardener office for 4 hours, zipped home for a quick lunch and then got my haircut... from there I went on to the Mt. Hope garden since it was close,and I worked for about an hour and was almost ready to leave when the rest of the Community Garden committee showed up to plant tomato and pepper plants (I don't know, about 50?), so I stayed to help.  Made it through that and still cooked supper when I got home!  Saturday I left the house about 8:30 in the morning and went to pick up compost (where I helped load 12 bags into my van), then drove directly to the Mount Hope Garden Where I worked for about 4 hours, planting and digging... When I got home I sat and rested for about a half-hour as I ate my PBJ, then I got busy on the dogs.
I have left this photo full size so you can get an idea how far I have to walk and haul things from the parking area to my spot.
A diagonal shot of my garden plot.  Up at the top left corner you can see some of the tomato plants in the Community Garden area.  It is just behind mine.  They set strings up high to mark their rows.

Since warm weather is here, I lugged the dog bathtub up out of the basement and bathed all 3 dogs out in the glorious sunshine.  
Maija, age almost 12 and she still HATES her bath...

THEN I was DONE IN.  We went out for supper.

Today it is raining a bit - just enough so far to make things messy - so I am doing in-the-house chores.  That is supposed to be restful???? but at least it is not as strenuous as gardening.

BTW... the scale has not changed... I KNOW that I am burning more calories, but maybe I am building muscle and everyone knows that muscle weighs more than fat.... sigh...


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