Busy, Busy, Busy

Where does the time go?  
So much is happening, and yet nothing noteworthy, I guess. 

Gardening season crawled upon us with a cool, wet spring, and then BANG, everything needed to be done AT ONCE!.  This year I am coordinating 4 gardens.  Two of my own (and they are at the bottom of the list), the Historical garden at the city park, (where we have had good structural help this year) and then I was delegated to "chair" the Church Pantry garden.  It needed a major overhaul to make it more efficient, and that is where most of my energy is going.

And that brings up another point....energy.  And strength...or lack of it!  Early on this spring, I realized that my back was being a real pain.  I do see a chiropractor and talked to him about how my back was not getting any better and asked if Physical Therapy might help.... he said sure! So now I am several weeks in to PT and feeling better and stronger!

Even though my own gardens are at the bottom of the list, here are some pics from my garden/yard here at home.  

I have a few green veggies planted in the side garden, but a good section of it was planted with strawberries last fall!  I do have lettuce, spinach, peas, snow peas and cucumbers planted, as well as one hill of pumpkins.  I would still like to get some winter squash in, and I have some green onions to plant in, too.

We took a couple of large pine trees out of the front yard this spring, and I want to get some shrubs planted where they were, so yesterday I bought 4 and had one rose bush, so Jim dug the holes for me last night.  I am "trying out" those locations today..... I still want to get a serviceberry bush and a redbud tree, one in either corner.  

This is the view down the sidewalk towards our drive.That is my van in our drive.
So plenty to do! I need to create another post about our trip to Florida...  Watch for it!


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