Extended family

I am so far behind on using this as a diary that it is ridiculous.  We have had several family events this year, and I have posted none.

Maybe I  will post about all of them at once...later... but for now, I just want to make a short post about this past weekend.

I love my extended family.  I grew up living close to grandparents, aunts, uncles, and quite a few cousins, and we were close enough in age that I didn't need friends, I had lots of cousins.  Just recently I had chats via Facebook with a couple of said cousins, now grown as old as me and with families of their own, all living quite far away.  One of those living farthest away was coming back to our home town for a short visit, and how many of us could meet up there?  Count me in!

I drove just 4 hours down to stay with my Auntie, Mom's sister and had a nice visit with her and a cousin from that side of the family... and the next day I went to visit the other cousins and family from my Dad's side of the family.  We talked, told stories, laughed and generally had a good time together.

The eldest of each family, with my Aunt.
This is only about half of us. One of my Cousins has a sense of humor and realized we had the eldest of each family, so wanted to take a picture just of us.  Why???  When we sat down to dinner that evening, there were 10 around the table!

They always say that you can't go back home, and I can sort of understand why... time does not stand still.  When one goes away from any place - much less home - time marches on, things change, and no matter how much you want to go back, it cannot be the same.  I try to go back to my home town now at least once a year (after having been too far away to visit for many years) and it is all so much changed to be unrecognizable.  Even one of my former homes is gone....

But the town Library is still there, and they are making it work and making changes for the good.  Here is where I spent many happy hours, when not in a family home:

White Hall Public Library
It used to seem so big, but compared to the libraries I have known since, it is tiny.  But it is active and a happy place for kids to be, and that is the most important thing... especially considering that there is no longer an elementary school in town!  I was so glad to be able to stop in and see them.

You CAN go home again, and I hope to always find family there, but we must remember that things are always a-changing.


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