Moving... again

I knew it was inevitable, and actually I have been looking forward to it... just a bit.    When we moved back to Illinois from South Dakota 12 years ago, it wasn't really because we wanted to, but to help take care of our parents.  Our sons were through school, so the timing was good, and DH was still at a hire-able age, so we knew it was the right thing to do.  But finding a job and a location that would put us between the parent's locations proved to be a bit tricky... we ended up having to take what we could get.  A Chicago suburb - however far out - was never a choice I would have made....  But the job paid well and the location was do-able if not ideal, so here we are.  And here we have stayed far longer than I had expected to.  As you age, jobs are harder to come by, and while our parents have all passed on a few years ago, DH has not found a job to move to, and he feels it is his age that causing him to be passed over. So he feels that staying here until he is retirement age is his only option.

However, Grandchildren to the rescue... or to be more exact, Grandchild #3 arriving during an awkward season is the impetus for this move.  Since our DS the Elder and his wife decided to settle in Sioux Falls last year, we knew that is where we would go... just not when?  Now that new baby will arrive during the winter, they desperately need child care for a while, so that is where Granny steps in! Our schedule for moving has just been bumped up, Grandpa retiring or not.

So we are house-hunting in Sioux Falls, and apartment hunting here so DH can retire when he is ready.... 2 years? 4 years?  I'll go ahead and help with the Grandchild and we will just be in different households (9 hours apart) for a while.  I'll manage just fine...DH is going to have to learn how to take care of himself!  This should be interesting...

Since this move has so many variables, it is a bit more upsetting.... who am I kidding... EVERY move is upsetting!!! IF we sell our house here before I find a place to go, where will we put our stuff?  Not in a small apartment like DH will need....  DS and D-i-L have offered to have me live with them in the new house they are building this summer - there is plenty of room - but I think that especially since I will have my dogs with me, that I should go ahead and look for a place of my own.  Granny will need down-time!  If I don't find a house to move to before winter, I'll opt for a small apartment, but nothing big enough to hold a house-full of furniture, so there will be furniture to store. IF I really can't find a house I like and suits our needs, I will keep 'live in Granny' as Plan C, but I think I should be able to find something. I really don't want to "settle" as I have so many times before, but surely there will be SOME house that will be just right for me???



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