SUMMER?... Maybe...

 This spring hs been cold... with scattered HOT.  We will have had several days that might have gotten as warm as 60's, and then one or possibly two shoot up into the 80's... then back to cool again.  Just a total roller coaster!  This past weekend we were wearing sweatshirts AND jackets as it was cool, windy and wet, but during the week the temperatures have slowly climbed and the sun has come out so that we are now in T-shirts and shorts.  Today is supposed to be in the 90's!  So the doors are still open this morning to let every bit of fresh air in before we have to close up and turn on the A/C.

I have gotten some gardening done, and am diligently trying to keep track of things in my Journal... This has become really important as I have stuck seeds in pots and thought "I'll remember what that is".. and then I don't.  For about a week I was pulling little "weeds" out of pots that I thought I had put big fat cucumber seeds into... only to realize that I would NOT have planted that many cucumbers (see glut of cucumbers from last year) and finally remembered that I had put my favorite -EXPENSIVE- Lemon Gem Marigold seeds in those pots!!! sigh...

NOW correctly labeled Lemon Gems and
the mystery plant that came up with the parsley in the container on the right!
I think it might be Verbeena flowers that I planted in that container last year!

I find I don't have enough energy to accomplish much at one time.  So I am "pottering" as my Grandma used to say about my Grandpa... A little here, a little there, and sometimes I just stand and think...  I HAVE gotten a few of my 'larger' projects done this week!  I have gotten fencing around the fruit beds, thanks to help in cutting down the hardware cloth from DH.  We had to use a grinder because to cut the length (25') with snips would have taken forever and been terribly tedious.  So what was purchased as 24" x 25' is now two pieces 12" x 25'... and I still had to piece it to get it all the way around the 16 'x 3' bed.  I attached it by nailing slats through the wire mesh, into the 12" raised bed boards, and at the top of the mesh I strapped it to the top of the slat with zip ties.  It looks tidy, which is kind of a waste as this bed is at the far back and totally hidden from view!  

My very tidy "hidden" bed!
This will eventually be just raspberries, but until they get growing,
I've got peas and soon will have beans in here, too.
The far end has two currant bushes and four blueberries.
The currants will eventually come out and go with the apple trees,
giving the blueberries more room.

Another project was to get the peppers planted, but they also needed to be fenced to protect them from the wraskally wabbits, so it was not just a question of sticking them in the ground.  I got this project done last evening... I made circle cages to put around groups of peppers, but it probably would have taken less fencing to just go around the whole bed!   but this bed is not as high as the one in back - only 6" high, and looks even lower - so I would have had to use the taller fencing anyway.

planted, caged and mulched.
Tomatoes are planted on the other side of the fencing panel,
which they will grow up and cover.

And now for some extra photos:

The ugly chicken wire fencing around the strawberry bed
(with spare tomatoes and onions stuck in for good measure).
I have slats to make this neater like the other bed, but need help cutting them.

Temporary fencing around the peas...

My stash of "still growing on" seedlings.
Some of these are ready to plant out, but no safe place to do it -
The rabbits will have them chewed off overnight. 
Waiting for them to get bigger and less tasty.

And the token family photo.  I've called this one "His Master's Dinner" - a take on the old RCA logo titled "His Master's Voice". 😉

Just ONE bite, PLEEEEZ?

 And finally the pair of them.. it was bath and clip down day.  
To be continued today... Elvis always needs a touch-up to smooth out the first uneven cut.
I'm not a professional groomer.  I just "get it done".

School is out for the summer so for now, no grandchildren running around the house.  I'm missing my kindergartener - oops, excuse me - First Grader!  But I will quickly adjust to NOT watching the clock for school pick-up time!  I've promised DGS the Eldest that he can have a day at Grandma's occasionally this summer - but he probably won't want one until the excitement of his new summer camp (aka daycare) fades a bit.

So that's all for now.  Outdoor garden jobs done for the morning (watering, moving seedlings out).  Laundry going, kitchen tidy, dinner planned... Now I'm going to get Elvis and finish grooming him. and then I'll be ready for a sit-down! 


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