Early March...

 If memory serves, March came in like a lamb, but in the mean time, it has also been pretty much like a polar bear!  Our weather continues to fluctuate wildly - spring for a day or two, then back into a deep chill.  The weather forecasters are trying to tell us that as of today we are on a warming trend suitable for spring, but I doubt that forecast holds....

In any case, I vote for spring.  I have started a few seeds and most are coming up on schedule. Onions are up and growing for the past month, some herbs and flowers are already pricked out and potted up, and more seeds are planted and up.  And then my grow lights went on the fritz so everything has been carried upstairs to sit in the sunny window of the dining room.  Not ideal, but I hope that is temporary.

Pansies, parsely, basil and celery potted up.

Peppers are slow to germinate, brassicas are up and going, and
                                  Flowers were just planted: Ageratum, Blue Salvia, and Stocks.

I have a schedule for planting more each week; tomatoes and Lemon Gem Marigolds are up next.

On other news, I have finished the tunic I was working on and while I'm no stylista, I do like it. I actually wore it with leggings out in public today - I don't have many tops that are long enough that I feel comfortable wearing leggings with, but I made this one nice and long.

Simplicity 2447

Additionally, I have finally gotten my card-making mojo back and while I totally missed Valentine's Day, I am building up my stash of Birthday and other necessary greeting cards.  To date, I have 10 Birthday cards done (6 for female and 4 for male) and a couple of "Hello Friend" cards that I have ready to mail.  Still need some more birthday and sympathy cards... those are hard to do ahead, and hard to do at the moment.... just plain hard!  Each one seems to need a different style of greeting, depending on who has passed and how well you know them.
An array of cards

My crafting companions...

In other news, we are appalled at the invasion of Ukraine.  We feel helpless, but this has nothing to do with us... Just that crazy power-monger over in Russia.  What we have done is to send donations to World Central Kitchen and UMCOR Global Miinistries. At least we have done SOME thing to help those poor refugees.  It seems to strange to have a war in a developed conntry - these people are just like us, living a very similar modern lifestyle. I think that is why it hit me so hard....  But other than sending money to relief organizations, all I can do is pray.

 And now on a higher note, the mandatory Family photos.  We have birthdays this month.  On Mar. 7, this little bugger turned 4. He asked for a family party, with pizza and cake.

Today having some time with Grandma and Grandpa.

Happy Birthday!

The Daddy making pizzas

eating pizza and strrawberries.

Non-birthday brother and sister, enjoying cake, too.
And so go our days.


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