Masters in the Garden

 Well, I did it.  I had a Master Gardener event at my house.  The group decided not to have a Garden Walk this year, but they wanted to do some events open to the Masters as well as the General Public, and something that they have done in the past is a 'Masters in the Garden' casual evening at some garden.  I volunteered mine as one of my goals as a MG is to encourage others to grow their own veggies.  I've been trying to keep things up, but you know how it goes... you let some things slip and don't tidy up this or that until you have to.  After I volunteered and we set the time (only two weeks out) I had to make plans and a list and get things crossed off quickly.  

We had our family vacation right in the middle of my prep time, and only 2 days to finish up after we got back!

I was assured that this is to be a casual event and not to worry about perfection (as if I could), but that people wanted to see what other gardener's gardens really looked like!  In fact, mine cleaned up pretty well and I didn't stress about it at all.  Lots of things got done (some weeding, taking out spent plants, general tidying, DH fixed my wonky compost bin, I straightened up the shed) and of course at the last minute I had to trim the birch tree and the lilac bush (so folks could get through the gate) and take a load of all my lawn waste to the lawn refuse collection point.  And it took both of us to get it mowed, but in the end, it looked pretty good.  Photos included

A photo display that I made of the building of the shed and beds.

I intentionally left lettuce to go to seed.

The tomatoes were starting to ripen!

Even the yellow one!

Yellow beans were almost ready.

I got lots of questions about the flowers.

 And there was a nice turnout.  About 30 people, half were Masters and half were General Public.

I was just out of the frame to the right.... Talking!

Also lots of questions about the arches and shade cloth.

It was a lovely evening.... not too hot.
But of course, at the end I was really tired!

I actually had a good time.  I'd like to do it again someday...


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