Ohmygosh! October's been and gone!

 Now, what DID I do in October?

I take photos regularly, so going through my photo file is a good place to start.  

It looks like I finished up some canning and did some baking, so that means the temperatures went down.  This was a busy day in the kitchen!

I finally got some raspberries!  They came on really late and just as I expected, not all of them were ripe before we starterd having frosts.  I lost probably a third of what the plants set out due to frost.  But I did get quite a few put into the freezer!  I left these canes uncut so maybe I will get a flush in the summer?  Anything to get more!

Lots of unripe fruit!

My helper and I dug up all the carrots, and there were more than I expected there would be, but the darn voles had gotten into them!  So MANY were ruined.  But we did end up with enough that I had to do something with them, so I ended up getting 4 quarts of carrot-ginger soup put into the freezer, and then blanched and froze a few small bags of slices. Some that I had dug a few weeks earlier were going bad in the refrigerator, so I didn't want that to happen again!  I also pickled and canned beets.

Chewed up carrots!

My helper did a good job scrubbing them all!

I did just a bit of traveling this month.  I drove down to my old town of Yankton to go to a quilt show.  It was lovely and I saw some old friends!  Here are a couple of the quilts.  One made by a friend, and the other is gorgeous but I did not know the quilter.

This one was made by a good friend.

I did not know this quilter, but voted for this as my  "Viewer's Choice"

Another trip was with DH.  We drove up to Minneapolis, MN and had a couple of days of shopping and an evening at one of our favorite restaurants.  I went to SR Harris fabric store (it is a huge fabric outlet) and got two lovely pieces of wool, one for a coat and another for a dress.  Then we went to The Treadle, a much smaller fabric shop but that has nice garment fabrics.  I bought two pieces of knit there, to make slacks and a coordinating top.
Beautiful woolens from SR Harris

Abstract horses for a top and basic black ponte for slacks.
There are from The Treadle in St. Paul, MN

I'm thinking I'll use this pattern for the checked wool. 
It is really soft and 'drapey'.

Very happy to visit Brit's Pub again!

I had Shepherd's Pie and a Scottish ale.

Hubby had London Broil and an English beer.

We also stopped at IKEA on our way home, of course. No furniture, but I got a new duvet cover, some Advent Calendars and Christmas things and then we hit the food market.  Let's just say we spent most of our $$ there...

We also got our new chain link fenc put in.  Now we can see into our neighbors yards... and so can the dogs!  They have always barked at the neighbor dogs but now they can see them better.
New black chain link fencing.  No more wind damage!

We had pretty crazy weather, too.  A couple of good storms with rain and hail, and then days like this:
80 !  I took this pic because our kids were in Mexico and I wanted to rub it in that the weather here was just as nice!  I didn't get in.  We'd had temps well below freezing by this time, so the water was COLD!

There was some sewing going on...

Ok, yes, this is a mess.  I tidied it up later.

WIP, now finished. This is one of my favorite patterns made up in a Liberty Tana Lawn.

Now for the Dear Grandchildren.  Thanks to In This Life blogger, I got these Brio sets for my grandkids.  They really like them.  These are the youngest 2.
Brio trains all over my floor.

Reading with Grandpa.

And now the dogs:

Dignified, and happy with his new pillow cover.

And The Tomato Thief,
~relishing his last tomato before the plants were composted.

So that was a fairly busy October!


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