A LONG February

 This has been a very LONG wintry month.  It felt like it would never end. Snow that never melted off, more snow on top. Frigid days mixed with just barely above freezing days, but nothing that ever felt like spring.  We took only one trip out of town, on the 10th, to celebrate with the Yankton Library.  Hubby is a former director and they were having a celebration of 70 years in their current building and all the things that had happened there. That was a very nice day, both socially and weather-wise.  But the rest of the month was one long slog, and with a sad ending.

We started off with a dog bath day - there have not been enough of these, so this one took a bit of time.

They hate being wet...

All dry and shining!

I did get some sewing projects done... ok, so some were just worked on....

New pattern with some fabric selections,; the blue is cheap,
 so I used it to make a practice for the very expensive floral Liberty Tana Lawn.

This fabric looks nice with a skirt I made a couple of years ago.
I call these a wearable toille.

More fabrics in my stash that need to be used.

A final bit of hand work...

The final product.  Looks pretty good!

A quilt WIP, this will be a center medallion.

Prepping all the strips.

Tracing the design was a nightmare.  The sewing is tricky if the over/under is not marked well.

Some of the large blocks for the top.  There are LOTS of colors.

This fabric was from my Mom's stash.  It's probably 40 years old (or more?)
I had to adjust the fit around the arm scye with a dart.

It looked much too big until I pressed the pleats down the full length of the skirt.
This looks better.  It is very comfortable to wear, even if it is old acrylic instead of wool.

Then there were the grandkids...

Movies at their house.

Watching Daddy clear off Grandpa's drive - after ANOTHER storm...

the cuddler.

For a few days we had DGD age 3 as she was running a fever.

I'm sad she is ill, but what a lovely feeling to hold a sleeping baby.

When the meds kicked in, she was her usual happy self.

But then she would crash again and share the sofa with Elvis.

And during the last blizzard of the month, our old Elvis had a really bad spell and needed lots of love and care... 

He was fine and happy on our walk on Monday.

He didn't want to eat on Wednesday.

By Thursday we were carrying him in and out... during the blizzard and below 0 temps.

When we could finally get out to the Vet's on Friday, we let him go...
it was an awful 4 days...

But life goes on.... the temperatures came up so I could take out my other walking partner.

He is thrilled to go out, but he hates the coat.
                      I won't even take him walking unless it is above freezing, coat or no coat.

Piles of snow, but we are melting a bit!
We gave up on the 3rd garage door bay.  Cleared just enough to get the car out, then moved the car to the 2-stall bay for the rest of the winter.  We can't pile the snow any higher to keep it clear.
But, we can see the pavement at last!

This has been a LONG month for the short number of days!


  1. Goodness me, I would NOT like all that snow. Fortunately we get very little and if we get some, we usually just go places by bus - plenty of public transport round here. I'm sorry about your dog - very sad. Pets' lives are so short.


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