Never never spring

Here it is, almost the first day of spring and there is NO hint of spring anywhere around. Winter didn't really
begin here until late January, so I guess we still have to have the full 3 months for winter, whenever.....We have had gloomy days, snow storms, snow showers, warmer weather and rain, flooding... and then snow again!  I am just sick of it!

The dogs are confined inside, and most days their only outside time is to toilet - and then I have to let them go out on the deck!   It is the only place that isn't muddy!  And with Afghan Hounds, MUD is to be avoided at all costs.  Fortunately, the week that I had to go down to Dad's, we had snow so they could access their kennel and they stayed clean.  Lucky Jim!  And when I did get home after being away for 4 days, Elvis was not matted and it took me just an hour to comb him out.

I won't be so lucky the next time I groom him..... Whenever that might be....  You see, I have done something really stupid and sliced my thumb.  My RIGHT thumb.  It now sports 7 stitches and hurts whenever I touch it to anything.  Typing this is rather uncomfortable... Grooming is impossible.  So is knitting.   So is playing harp.  Cooking is challenging as well...

 SO, I am sitting around, getting really bored.  I am trying to read, but the books I picked up at the library are not keeping my attention too well.  I even found a new author, but her stories are really stressful and kind of depressing -  at least in the beginning.  The author is Marcia Willett, from the UK.  The book jacket had a snippet of a review that compared her to Maeve Binchy and Rosamunde Pilcher...  Maybe a little, but neither of those authors had their characters quite so despondent.  I must give credit though... Ms. Willet did get the characters in 'The Courtyard' righted around in the end, so I hope that the ending of 'Summer in the Country' will end well.  But right now, I don't want to read about distressed people, so I am going to go get something off my own bookshelves.

I had a good time earlier this winter going through a bunch of D.E.Stevenson's books.  I did the Mrs. Tim series (and discovered that I was missing one title, darn!) as well as the group about the Armstrong-Derring-Johnstone family.  Good reading; well-developed characters, scenery that you can just picture in your mind, and while everyone seems to have a bit of a problem that needs sorting, DES books are never depressing.  I also have a group of her books in Audio format, and listened to the Miss Buncle/Abbot group as well.  These are great to listen to in the car while driving... or laying in bed at night, waiting for sleep.  Very soothing.  Highly recommended!  I think I will go find another for this evening....  Maybe that will take my mind off this throbbing thumb....


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