It's a BOY!

And he is a little late, so follows the pattern of other men in the family....

But he is beautiful, healthy and we are so pleased that he is finally here.
 We drove the 9 hours out to visit and help out, arriving the evening of the day Mom and baby were released from the hospital.  I was expecting to do laundry, shop, fix meals, fetch and carry.... but actually did very little of any of those things.  My Daughter-in-law is a steamroller and was not about to sit around and rest.  She was up and going the second day home.  I DID make her let me drive, but we were out of the house the very next day, going to the pediatrician's for a weigh-in (typically, baby had lost weight and was not an eager eater, so they wanted to keep an eye on his weight gain), and after a rest back home, Mama and I were off to the grocery store.  I asked her to just make a list and I would go do the shopping, but she said she wanted to go.... so what am I to do????  As it ended up, I was along to push the cart.  We did a major haul!

So now with plenty in the house to eat, I did prepare a nice meal while Mama finally sat down with baby to rest.

Baby and Daddy

We stayed for 4 days, and everyone seemed to be in good shape.  Daughter-in-law's parents arrived home from their winter vacation down south, so we figured she had help if she needed it.  It was wonderful to be there, but now that we are grandparents, we are also happy to be in our own bed again!
Mama and Baby

Our family is growing!  Wonderful!


  1. So sorry about your mom but so happy about the baby! Congratulations!

    I thought you weren't writing your blog; the last one that showed up from my Favourites was the one in which you said you hadn't written for a while - in December? Nice to see that I was wrong.

    1. Thank you Pam, I am not a frequent blogger, I use it more like a diary, and was never one to "keep up" with any other form of diary! I do hope to do better now. I have become a fan of an online video blog done by a fellow in South London who has an allotment. Very interesting and he encourages his fans to keep in touch and link our blogs and videos. I hope to do so! Love hearing from you!


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