April showers

April is supposed to be a month of showers and unsettled weather... well, we have had our first taste!  Last night we had all kinds of storm warnings: thunderstorms, hail, tornadoes - you name it, we had it!  The sirens began about 7pm and continued to go off every few minutes for a couple of hours.  We had the TV tuned to a local station and all regular programming was interrupted for weather reports.  A huge nasty tornado was reported heading for our area.  We watched out our deck windows, moved to the basement, came back upstairs, went down again.....  for the first hour or so the air was still but we could see lightening firing constantly high in the western sky and could hear the rumble of distant thunder - but never saw a funnel cloud.  Yes, it was dark, but with the lightening firing so frequently we could see the sky almost constantly.

Our son was hours away, stuck in a hotel room on a trip for work, and he was watching the Weather Channel, sending us text messages to keep us informed.  Caring son, isn't he?

Eventually the wind came up, the rain began and then HAIL.  That is when we really headed for the basement!  Our dogs are kenneled in a section of the basement that has a window as well as a dog door out to their run.  I let them into the main (windowless) room with us as the hail against their window sounded horrible.  Bless them - none of our dogs have ever been fearful of storms - even in this racket they just wanted to play and get lots of pats and attention.  By bedtime it was all over!  Today was beautiful and clear until later this afternoon. Now we have scattered clouds and WIND!

Today, Elvis and I had our first cycle outing of the year.  I got my recumbent tricycle out of the shed, pumped up the tires and off we went!  We didn't go a long way as we are really out of shape, but we made our first run, so the season is officially begun.  A bit late as Elvis' first Field Trial is in just 2 weeks!  Here is a pic of El with his summer cut, which was yesterday's project:


If we remember last year, I started road working him with the car about the first of March, and all that came to a shrieking halt when I broke my leg/ankle/foot.  So now we don't use the car for roadwork any more - even though the actual road-working had nothing to do with breaking my leg, it was just where I happened to be when the accident occurred.  

What I am REALLY anxious to get on with is gardening!

I have taken the Master Gardener course and passed my tests, and am now a Master Gardener Intern.  I begin my office training/rotations this coming week as Gardener on call at the Extension Office.  Our great event, "Gardenfest", is tomorrow at the Community College.  It will be a fun experience, even though my job is "greeter" and "fill in as needed".

Next on the Gardening list is getting my little kitchen garden planted with some of the seeds I have started in my basement (under lights):

I will also have my plot at the Community Garden that our church sponsors.  I need to get in touch with the organizer and find out what the time table is for that....  Here are the potatoes that I have set out to sprout, -the sprouts are noticeably larger than they were when I set them out just a few days ago:

And then my HUGE project is to see how much digging I can get out of son and husband to re-organize and enlarge my front flower gardens.  Things are just beginning to sprout, so this is the perfect time to divide and replant, but not sure when I can get my "help" organized...  Wish me luck!


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