First Day of Summer!

We have had a very good spring for gardening.

A nice blend of cool and warm, rain and dry.... everything is doing quite well just now....  But that can all change in an instant.  Today's forecast is stormy - rain, wind and hail with the possibility of tornadoes.  Guess I won't go shopping, I'll stay home and dink around on the computer and maybe do some sewing.....?

Here is an update on the gardens:

Our vegetable plot up at Mt. Hope church is doing well.  Everything that I had planned to have in by this time is planted and growing.  I did not get good germination with my bean seeds, so I have already planted more.  Just this week we got compost and filled in the last section with the "no-dig' method: laying down cardboard and piling the compost on top and planting directly in that compost.  This is supposed to suppress all weeds and give you clean soil that you can keep nicely.  Here is a picture:

Our veggies at Mt. Hope.  Our plot ends where the straw ends.... except the potatoes... I ran out of straw.

I continue to help out at the historical farm's Victory Garden.  I need to get a new picture of it, as so many things are up and growing there.  This coming weekend is a "Day at the Farm" event for families, and I will be "hostessing" at the garden.  I have been doing my homework and learning all about WWII and the Victory Gardens.  I love researching these kinds of things!

Petersen Farm Garden, taken June 11, 2015

Other than gardening:

 I have been doing a few other things....  For example, last weekend I took Elvis to a couple of Obedience trials, and he has finished his Novice Obedience title.  He is now CH. Utchati Jailhouse Rock, RE, JC, CD (the CD is the title he just earned).  I am so glad to have finally accomplished this!
Leg 2 earned at Chicagoland Hound Assoc. 6-13-15
Leg 3 and Title CD, North Shore DTC, 6-14-15

And finally:

This past weekend was Father's Day.  Saturday we got even more gardening done at the house, enlarging the front border and adding plants that I hope off-set the profusion of day lilies that I have!  This spring, there was virtually nothing blooming across the border, and what few other plants that I have there are overwhelmed by the lilies.  So I took a trip to Northwinds Perennial Nursery in Wisconsin a couple of weeks ago, and tried to find plants that would bloom earlier and later than the lilies, and have different leaf and bloom textures.  Here is what we got done:

My wonderful worker bees!
Front border finished!

Now on Father's Day, I did not have DH do any work....  Instead, I fulfilled his only wish: To have salmon from Pike St. Market in Seattle, and his mom's recipe of potato casserole.  This is what we came up with... and yes, the salmon was ordered from Pike St. Market...


We had salmon, potato casserole, fresh peas and pea pods from our garden, and for dessert, homemade strawberry shortcakes with whipped cream.  Everything from scratch....  The food was great, the weather was pleasant, and we had a lovely dinner out on our new deck.  Perfect!

Sorry about the spacing of the photos.... this program is not very cooperative....


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