The cat's away....

Not really the cat, but rather my husband....  He has been to a convention for the past few days, and I have been wallowing in the luxury of managing my time all to myself!  Well, to be honest, I have had some things booked to organize my time - a pretty busy weekend actually....

Saturday I attended a workshop of dying with Indigo.  It was held at a friend's home, in her back yard.  What a lovely fun day.  The weather was perfect.  The other gals were friendly, the lunch was yummy, and the presenter was really good at instructing us about indigo and how to use it to dye fabric.  We each had 4 squares of fabric to play with, and all kinds of tools and materials to aid us in creating fascinating designs.  Here are mine:

 On Sunday I did my "thing" at Petersen Farm.  It was the annual "Day at the Farm" where the public is invited to come and visit.  There were all kinds of displays about farming in the old days (and some new things, too).  Lots of hands-on activities for kids, and I was there to help kids learn about where food comes from... the ground.  I invited them into the garden and let them pull up radishes.  We also walked through the garden, identifying the different plants and finding out how the vegetables that they liked, grew.  I had one little girl help me dig up potatoes... another girl was determined to catch a resident toad and take him home with her.... it took me a while to convince her that the toad needed to stay in the garden and do his job of eating insects!

Another perk this week was picking my own produce!  I had quite a few radishes that were more than ready to pull, and a nice mess of snow peas.  The black raspberries are coming on now... I have had a nice bunch on my breakfast cereal twice now!

But probably the best thing of all was an afternoon spent driving down to visit my high school friend.  She is only an hour away and we so enjoy each other's company, I don't know why we don't make time to get together more often!  So we decided that we really must.  There is a supermarket in her town that I really like, so I will use that as an excuse to make time to go see her more often.... or I will make time to go see her and also stop for some groceries that I can't find locally...  whatever, just so it works!

Husband is now home... and exhausted, poor guy.  Gotta run....


  1. That all sounds lovely. And in answer to your question, I didn't actually go into any Shetland wool shops, though I did look in the windows. I'm not really a knitter. My older daughter, now...


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