Harvesting... cooking... preparing

With our BIG TRIP coming up in about 2 weeks, I am just approaching panic phase.  Actually, I am fairly well prepared and at this point, on schedule... but there is so much that needs to be done so close to departure, and there is NO getting around THAT!  In the week before we leave, I have to clean house by Wednesday, as I am hosting Book Club on Thursday - this is a good thing... Otherwise I would be cleaning up to the day before!

I have 99% of clothing shopping done, but I don't like the jacket I planned to wear, so I am going out today to see if I can find something just right... and possibly pick up a couple of things for Jim.

The REAL crush is going to be the garden produce! We have not had much rain for the past couple of weeks, so things are on slow grow.  But yesterday brought us a good rain in 3 different episodes, so I dashed out to all my (3) gardens and picked everything that I could... tomatoes are likely to split when they get a lot of water after a dry spell.  I ended up with quite a good haul....

So of course, that meant I had to get everything processed!  I ended up with enough tomatoes to fill 2 baking trays to roast and make into sauce.  Several people have asked me how I do this, so I made a short video and uploaded it to YouTube here:

How I make roasted tomato sauce.

And when all was finished last night, this is what I put in the freezer:

This will not be the last!  So I had better get all packed and prepped, as I will undoubtedly be processing veggies the night before we leave!


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