It's a New Year... Thank GOD!

 I might not have had Covid, but I am still battling ~whatever virus~ and I am pretty darn sick of it!  Hubby came down with it too, but not as severe and he has recovered more quickly.  His Covid test was negative as well, so we are pretty sure it was a flu virus. Lots of coughing and blowing and generally feeling rough.  

Christmas was pretty boring.  I did manage to get all of my gifts made and bought, but just.... Christmas morning I ran our gifts over to the Grandkids (wearing my mask and washing hands thoroughly) but hubby was feeling too bad.  I just stayed a little while and then came home to make a hot dinner for us.  We have watched a lot of TV and on my good days I could read or knit. But the worst thing about this germ for me is that I feel better one day, and the next I feel badly again!

With my high cholesterol I dared not make any special yummy baked goods, so I am feeling quite deprived...

As planned, I had to care for Grandson the Elder while he as out of school, so I masked up and went over to my son's home to stay with him.  One day we had a nasty blizzard so d-i-l stayed home from work, but a week later we had a good snow (no dangerous winds) so d-i-l went to work but I kept The Littles as well.  No major problems, but I sure feel for all those folks who have to wear masks all day! Since I was still not feeling well, I wore my mask and washed my hands until they were chapped, but so far, no one is ill!

Thank goodness for Yoga for kids on YouTube!

And playtime outside!

And on our last day of Granny Daycare, I HAD to get groceries.  I ordered online from the supermarket, but had a handfull of things to get from our nice organic market, so Grandson and I masked up and got through that small grocery with only one other customer in sight!  YAY!  (We also stopped for donuts on the way home and took one to Grandpa - I'm sure that is what made him get better so quickly ;-)

My shopping helper, doing his Super Power thing....

New Year's celebrations have followed the same pattern. An evening at home where we switched off TV long enouogh to play a traditional Holiday Game, then a movie that we watched together and early to bed. We did not even hear the annoying neighbors set off fireworks.....

Holiday Games.... Bananagrams and Triominoes

And then, the Greatest Gift.  DH took the decorations off the tree, boxed them up, put them away, and took the tree out!

He's learning...... 

What a guy!

Now, that is the start of a GREAT year!


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