Struggling Spring...

 As I sit typing this, the open sliding door is behind me and with cloud cover, the temperature is slightly too cool for comfort.  Such has been our Spring.  An occasional spike in temperature, but more likely just cool.... sunny and cool, cloudy and cool, but cool.  We have also lacked our normal spring rains, but lately had a couple of rainy days... Not enough to kick up the output of my sump pump, but still good for the garden. My Bleeding Heart is blooming at the front door.  it smells lovely, too!

Bleeding Heart, one of the few foundation plantings that I appreciate that came with the house.

Speaking of the garden.  It has started but is not taking off... did I mention cool?  Only the onions and garlic are thriving. I had finally received my plant order and DH helped me to get 3 trees planted: One Zestar apple, and a Montmorency pie cherry as well as a Metor pie cherry... In a previous post I believe I admitted to placing two orders?  By myself I planted 4 more blueberries (good thing as one from last year was dead) as well as the blackberries.  It has taken me several weeks (weather, head cold, Covid Vaccines) but just this past week I have finally gotten that older raised bed moved and planted the Red Raspberries into it - along with some peas.  Later on I will also use that bed to plant some yellow wax beans as there is planty of room before the raspberries mature.  I also got the brassica bed partially planted and covered with netting... the other half will be planted later.  I have cabbages and broccoli there now and want to stagger the harvest, so some of the plants that I planted after that first loss will go in maybe next month?  And some turnips, and Pak choi...  I got the carrots and beets in too, and a short row of another variety of peas.  Squashes and cucmbers are started in the shed, so they are keeping company with the tomatoes.  The peppers where just brought out of the basement yesterday and are hardening off on the deck.  They are getting the morning sun they are used to from the basement window, but getting more wind.  I'll move them to the sunny side of the deck in a day or two.

Pointing at new Zestar Apple. It is not in line with the others, but in a better place.

In this spot was one of my original raised beds. 
Now planted with grass seed. Sump Pump water is keeping it moist.

This is the bed in it's new space. Red Raspberry canes planated down the middle.
Peas are along the back edge and I will put yellow wax beans along the front edge.

Brassica bed.  Only broccoli and cabbage so far.
Tomatoes aare getting some sun and wind.

Not much here yet, but these onions were grown from seed.
Cardboard is covering carrot rows to facilitate germination, and there are also some peas and beets planted in here, too!

Garlic on the outsides, onions to the inside and at the far half. 
I plan to have herbs and flowers in here, as well.

Black Raspberries are leafing out well. Containers have potatoes in them. 
Blackberries are along the low black fencing.

Two cherry trees will eventually shade the Solar Shed windows!

My new Korean Maple, up by the deck (husband working in the background).

Tomatoes grwoing in the solar shed.

And now for DH's plans!  He has decided to refurbish the deck and is removing all the wood ballasters, replacing them wtih horizontal cables.  It looks really nice, but is taking a while.  Photo above with the Korean Maple tree which I got on Mother's Day weekend, shows him working on the deck. The steps still have the old ballisters, but the deck above has new cables.  He thought he would have more free time after he quit working the horrible hours at Home Depot, but his other job has stepped up and he is getting more assignmnets there, but able to choose his hours to some extent.  MUCH better than HD, and still bringing in some 'mad money'. Poor guy as had the same head cold, and now his allergies have kicked it with a vengance.  He is not exactly running on all cylinders.

And now for indulgent Granny photos:  I had the kids yesterday so DS and DiL could go car-shopping.  We went to the park for a while.

All swinging

Eldest Grandson being tricky...

Younger Grandson being tricky....

Granddaughter being charming.

Tiny Granddaughter learns 'how to' very quickly from brothers... who are ready to help.
She could climb up by herself, turn around and position herself thusly for the slide down!
And got up laughing every time, ready to go again!

And so go my days.....


  1. That looks very busy! I don't grow vegetables because I'm much more interested in flowers and my garden is small. But I'm impressed by yours! Does SD mean South Dakota? It looks very flat - I wonder if the photos are just in a flat bit. (Must check where South Dakota is - I have a rough idea.)

    1. Yes, I am in Eastern South Dakota and all around me is quite flat. We are on the high plains of the mid-west, only North Dakota is closer to Canada. Sioux Falls is the largest city in the state, and it has never suffered a recession, and has only slightly been affected by the Pandemic. The economy is flourishing and houses and apartments are being built at a tremendous pace. Business is booming... But we do suffer growing pains. Traffic is awful and they can't build schools fast enough! My back garden is my haven, and I go over to my son's new house when I need to see open space (like where the grandkids are playing in the photos).


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